/wan-der-lust/ noun: a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Since moving out here in August, I have been teased more about my "accent" than anything else in my life.  While I maintain that Minnesotans speak correctly, I am in the minority.  All these Vermonters are convinced that they have no accent, but that is just not the case.  Here are some pronunciation keys and a couple videos courtesy of Dr. Steve Peterson to help you practice your Vermonter accent so that if you ever venture to the Green Mountain State, you can blend right in.  

Step 1 to assimilation is to ignore "t"s at the end of words.  So "Vermont" becomes "Vermon".

Step 2: add "r" sounds to the ends of words ending in "a".  Idea = idear.  Delta = delter.

Step 3: any double "o" sound will now be an "uh" sound.  Room = rumm.

Step 4: pronounce "a" like it sounds in "air".  Garage = gairage.

And just to drive home the point that Minnesotans do NOT have an accent (or any weird idioms), here's another treat for you :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This........is exactly right....Minnersoootans doo nut harve arn accent. Doont yoou kneuw.