/wan-der-lust/ noun: a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about

Friday, March 2, 2012


So today marks the official beginning of spring break for me!  I only have one class with tests which meant only one midterm this week, but two papers and an internship interview made the week more stressful than I would have liked.  I'll be jetting off for Los Angeles tomorrow after an early morning bus ride to Boston -- flights are MUCH cheaper out of Logan than out of Burlington's teeny-tiny airport.  After a couple days with the fam, I'll be heading up to San Francisco for four days of meetings and a little sight seeing too.  I'll try to update this thing throughout the trip -- I realize I've been hard-core slacking. And since I won't be doing to much after-dark exploring, I'll have the time.  And I've been google-mapping hard core and there a at least a half-dozen thai restaurants right by where I'm staying. Score!

Here's my jam for the trip!

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