/wan-der-lust/ noun: a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I scream, You scream, we all drive 40 miles for Ice Cream!

I don't mean for that last post to sound super dramatic, because we have gotten out to do some fun things.  For example, the other weekend, we decided to drive all the way to the Ben and Jerry's factory for some ice cream.  Now you might say, "Rachel, there's a Ben and Jerry's store less than 5 minutes from your house, why in the world would you drive 45 minutes to eat ice cream and then promptly return home? Do you have brain damage?"  And I would say "Totally worth it."  Short story is we were bored, Andi, Andrew and Laura had never been out to the factory and it was the perfect day for a drive.  Now, we didn't actually leave Burlington until after 4, so we missed the last tour, but it was still worth it.  PS I ate some weird combination of peanut butter ice cream, marshmallow fluff, chocolate and caramel.  Delish.  

Quintessential Vermont-ness. Red barns in a sunny field. 

This justifies the 40 mile drive. 

Laura, our fearless leader. Note the amazing trees through the windshield.  It was early November and we still had color like that!  Reason #2 the trip was entirely called for. 

Sunset through the window of our baby Subaru. Everybody was lost in thought just starting out the window and then we all agreed -- we love this state. 

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